Garfil MR Maxima Ropes

Garfil MR Maxima Ropes

Garfil MR Maxima Ropes



Garfil MR Maxima Ropes

Features / Benefits

  • 25% more breaking strength facilitates downsizing vis-à-vis PP ropes
  • Special blend of raw material enables higher abrasion resistance than normal PP ropes
  • Unaffected by acids & alkalies
  • Floats on water, does not absorb moisture
  • Low elongation
  • Certified by Lloyds Register Asia

Nominal Diameter ( mm ) Std. Coil Wt. for 220mtr ( Kgs ) Breaking Strength ( Kgf )
28 78.00 14500
30 89.00 16500
32 101.00 18500
34 114.00 20850
36 129.00 23250
38 144.00 25900
40 158.00 28000
42 174.00 30850
44 194.00 34000
46 212.00 36500
48 229.00 39500
50 248.00 42000
52 268.00 45500
54 289.00 49050
56 312.00 52000
58 335.00 55500
60 359.00 59500
62 383.00 63500
64 407.00 67500
66 433.00 71000
68 460.00 75700
70 487.00 80000
72 515.00 84500
74 541.00 88500
75 555.00 91000
76 574.00 94000
78 605.00 98700
80 600.00 104000
82 670.00 109000
84 703.00 114000
85 730.00 116500
86 737.00 119000
88 772.00 125000
90 807.00 130000
92 846.00 136000
94 883.00 141950
96 916.00 148000
104 1075.00 173500
112 1250.00 201000

Tolerance On Weight :- +/- 5 %
Testing as per BSEN 2307 : 2010

* Conforming to OCIMF guidelines 2000 for sizes above 40 mm

* the above specifications are indicative and are likely to change

Garfil MR Maxima Ropes

Features / Benefits

  • 25% more strength than conventional polypropylene ropes
  • Unaffected by acids and alkalies
  • Floats in water, does not absorb water
  • Higher strength to weight ratio, facilitating
    downsizing vis-a-vis polypropylene ropes
  • Special blend of raw material enables higher abrasion resistance than normal polypropylene ropes
  • Easy to splice

Circ. in


Wt./ Coil of 220 mtr.

Breaking Strength


4.0 32 101 18500
4.5 36 129 23250
5.0 40 158 28000
5.5 44 194 34000
6.0 48 229 39500
6.5 52 268 45500
7.0 56 312 52000
7.5 60 359 59500
8.0 64 407 67550
9.0 72 515 84500
10.0 80 638 104000
11.0 88 772 125000
12.0 96 916 148000
13.0 104 1075 173500
14.0 112 1250 201000
15.0 120 1435 230000

Tolerance On Weight :- +/- 5 %
Testing as per BSEN 2307 : 2010

* Conforming to OCIMF guidelines 2000 for sizes above 40 mm

* the above specifications are indicative and are likely to change

Garfil MR Maxima Ropes